Daging Masak Merah

daging masak merah simple yet delicious

we are still in the month of Syawal. after celebrating Hari Raya in the village, many city dwellers have returned to the city to start working.

I was back to my house in shah alam. but still on vacation. my wife is starting to work. I have to take care of my children at home since nursery has not been opened yet.

it is my nature when I'm on vacation and I was at home babysitting my chilren, I rarely to go out to find for food for breakfast and lunch.

I would choosing to cook at home. for that I will find easy recipes from google for me to cook myself.

that's how I came across a recipe Daging Masak Merah which is very simple yet delicious. Continue your reading:

Read: Daging Masak Merah Simple


1 kilogram of beef

6 shallots*

4 cloves of garlic*

1 inch of ginger*

2 stalks of lemongrass*

(ingredients marked with * to be blended)

3 tablespoons of blended dried chili

4 tablespoons of chili sauce

2 tablespoons of tomato sauce

2 tablespoons of soy sauce

1 large onion - cut into large pieces

1 1/2 tablespoons of sugar or to taste

1 teaspoon of fine salt

Steps to cook:

Step 1:

Boil the beef until tender. I used a pressure cooker and cooked it for 10 minutes. Then, thinly slice the beef. Set it aside.

Step 2:

Sauté the blended ingredients until the oil separates.

Step 3:

Next, add the chili sauce, tomato sauce, and soy sauce. Stir well to combine. Add the sliced beef, salt, sugar, and a little bit of water. Stir until the beef is tender and coated with the sauce.

Step 4:

Finally, add the large onion. Stir until the sauce thickens and becomes slightly dry.

source: https://cookpad.com/my/recipes/13417445-daging-masak-merah

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